It has been said that we only use less than 10% of our brains. Whether this is true or not, there is no doubt that many people would like to be able to use their brain better, to get the most out of their life. In this article, I will list some foods that have been shown to help our brains function at their best, and the main vitamin or mineral that qualifies them as brain foods.
First though, a disclaimer on the following information. The human body is complex, so just taking a few vitamins and minerals will probably not turn you into the guy in the movie Limitless (for the unaware, he had super brain power). The brain is dependent on other systems to be functioning properly to even get the proper nutrition. For example, if your digestive system is messed up, and you are not absorbing your food, then all the vitamins or brain foods you can swallow probably won't help much.
Also, if you indulge in certain foods or drinks that are "anti-brain foods," or in other words, inhibit your absorption of the required nutrients, then, you and your brain are out of luck.
With all of that said, the space of this article does not allow me to come close to all of the info on each of these nutrients, such as the bodily functions facilitated by each of the nutrients, deficiency symptoms, dosages, and other sources, but you may find that out by visiting the website below. What I will be covering is the plant sources of these vitamins and minerals that are good for the brain, and some examples of therapeutic applications.
Also, this list is in alphabetical order, not in order of importance.
B1 vitamin, or Thiamine is attained from these brain foods: almonds, asparagus, avocado, brewer's yeast, brown rice, dried apricots, dry beans and peas, legumes, nuts, peanuts, seeds, soybeans, wheat germ, whole grains, and wild rice. It is used in therapeutic applications for heart failure, mental illness, indigestion, to name a few things.
B3 vitamin, or Niacin is important for several vital organs besides the brains, and is found in these brain foods: Beans, brewer's yeast, dates, dried figs, green leafy vegetables, mushrooms, peas, peanuts, prunes, whole grain breads and cereals. It is used therapeutically in mental illness, poor circulation, migraine headaches, and schizophrenia, as well as a few other ailments.
Choline is used in the metabolism of fats, which makes it an important component in these brain foods: Bran, brewer's yeast, green leafy vegetables, lecithin, legumes, nuts, seeds, soybeans, wheat germ. It is used in treatment of atherosclerosis, hardening of the arteries, headaches, and more. Being able to absorb fats properly is important in absorbing any brain foods.
Chromium is known to be helpful in preventing and treating diabetes, and is also a key component of these brain foods: Apples, brewer's yeast, black pepper, fresh fruits, grapes, green leafy vegetables, honey, legumes, mushrooms, nuts, potatoes, raisins, root vegetables, whole wheat and rye cereals. It has been used in therapeutic applications for mental illness, among other things.
Inositol is a lesser known B complex vitamin, and is found in these brain foods: Brewer's yeast, citrus fruits, lecithin, nuts, seeds, spinach, sprouts, vegetables, wheat germ, and whole grains. It is used in therapeutic applications for atherosclerosis, heart disease, and schizophrenia.
Manganese, another important component of the following brain foods is used in treating mental disease as well as nervous instability, and neuromuscular diseases. It is found in: Almonds, bananas, beans, blueberries, bran, broccoli, buckwheat, carrots, celery, cereals, green leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts, raisins, rhubarb, seeds, wheat germ, whole grains. A cup of pineapple contains 2 mg. of manganese.
Phosphorous is the last nutrient on my list, and it is found in: Brewer's yeast, grains, legumes, nuts, pumpkin seeds, sea vegetables, (dulse/kelp), tofu, whole grain cereals, and wheat bran.
A quick note that I would like to point out is that in the above lists of brain foods, are ingredients for these raw food dishes: delicious carob fudge, the drink "orange whip," strawberry pie, "b plus" cheese, cheesecake, and oatmeal date cookies, as well as hundreds of other recipes, from the raw food recipe book available on my website below.
To conclude, it boils down to taking care of your health on a larger scale than just eating some vitamins. Raw food brain foods improve digestion, and are cleansing to the blood, which directly affects the brain. As you incorporate raw food brain foods into your diet, you will be affecting your whole body for the better!